Montag, 29. April 2013

Jewish Images that Injure - M. Woodburry

Israeli Flag

Judaism - a community that must fight against prejudice. Again and again, we see images of brutal Israeli soldiers in the media, the positive headlines about Jews be left it sidelined. Woodbury clearly poses the problem of the media, because they are impartial and are unable to separate the Jews in Israel by Jews from other countries by one and cut all over a comb. Also the fight between Palestine and Israel become a public war.
Housewall in Betlehem
Woodbury begs the question: What is a Jew? Externally, this is barely visible, only if he wears the typical attire of Orthodox Jews. A Jew becomes mostly through his Jewish mother to a Jew or by a public declaration to the Jewish faith.
Jewish neighborhood in Jerusalem
 If you consider the history more accurately, you can see that Jews never adopted the religion of the ruler, because of this they were often persecuted and pushed in certain workspaces, such as the money market. Another reason for the ‘bad’ image of the Jews in the past is that they will remain among themselves and to intermarry.
In General, the most representations of Jews are negative, no matter whether the media of the United or in Hitler’s time in Germany, which occurred mainly through cartoons. You can trace how the individual stereotypes developed.
The biggest current problem is the representation in newspapers through photos. Only a moment is captured and this may distort the situation. Also the internet offer a new platform to rushing against Jews, but it can help to establish contacts to other Jews. It is important to note that there is not the Jew, but diversity. The media often manipulate this, because they equate Israel with world Judaism.
Woodbury makes clear how important it is to scrutinize for example the pictures in media. Are they representing the truth? Or is it a fogging of the real circumstance?
Israeli soldiers at the Western Wall - Jerusalem
Look at this picture: Israeli soldiers at the Western Wall. 
What are they doing there? Do they have a special mission? Or is it just normal that soldiers with their charged guns are strolling at on of the holiest places in the world? 
Pictures have always different perspectives it is difficult to find the right point of view.

Woodbury M. 2003. Jewish Images that Injure. In PM Lester and EE Dennis, Eds., Images that Injure: Pictorial Stereotypes in the Media. 2nd edn. 121-130. London: Praeger. Ch15.

Sonntag, 28. April 2013

The Sky over the World

No matter in which country, on which continent we keep on, always above us is the sky located. The sky is scientifically seen only a space above the Earth, but religiously speaking, it describes the location of the supernatural and divine.
Winter landscape - Germany
Some time ago I noticed, the sky looks different in Australia than in Germany. It may sound to many certainly bizarre, but this realization hit me like a blow as I was on the way to the University. Since then, I go out of the House in the morning and the first thing I do is to look into the sky, whether it resembles the German sky today maybe a bit more today. Many of you may ask yourselves: Where is the difference? It is hard to describe. I cannot be noticed Te only with the eyes, but also the personal sense plays a role. In Australia, the blue of the sky and the clouds are different. 

North Stradbroke Island - Australia
They have other forms, and the blue is much brighter. And looking up into the sky, mostly the face is warmed by sun Sun and a fuzzy feeling is spreaded. When I started from Germany in February, we had winter. The sky was ice blue and darker than in Australia, there were hardly any clouds and the sun is hiding behind a layer of smoke in the sky. If you looked upward an icy wind blew around the nose, and if you're lucky some small snowflakes fell on the face. This feeling is difficult to group in words, but it is still comparable with the feeling that I have when I go out in Australia and the sun is shining. The sky has different faces, which generate different feelings and associations. 

Noosa - Sunshine Coast, Australia
But it is almost the feeling of happiness, which is broadcast through the sky. It is no matter where I am on the Earth, if it is at the other end of the world or in my home country. Nature gives us a feeling that we can find anywhere a feeling of happiness and security.

Rainbow - Germany

Samstag, 27. April 2013

Religious communities and the internet - Heidi Campbell

'The Internet is like a knife. You can use it to peel fruits or to kill someone. But that does not mean that the knife is bad’ (Kali Nock 2006). 

The internet is a technology which combines different opportunities. Considered this phenomenon in the background of religions several similarities with the handling of media can be noticed. Campbell took a closer look at this issue. In general the use of media related to the religious tradition and the practice of life, but also the influence of the religious leader shouldn't be underestimated in this context.
In the course of the 1980s, the internet was used for religious purposes. Religious forums, online services and even online churches were built. But also new religious movements originated in the internet, such as the Church of Fools. In the course of time, various religious forms evolved, although as a spiritual network, a worship space, a missionary tool, a religious identity and a functional technology, this shows clearly the religious diversity on the internet. But Campbell looks closer is at the dealing between the internet and several religions, namely Judaism, Islam and Christianity.

Judaism uses the internet in different ways, be it as a dating platform or as a recipe collection for kosher meals. The ultra-Orthodox see a danger in the internet and in some communities it was banned. In the course of time, the ban was eased, but viewed as a potential source of danger. For this reason Koshernet was developed, which automatically blocked all secular parties and dangers. But, the internet serves as a tool for many Jews.

A similar track can be seen in Islam, where the informational character is the core motivation of use of the internet. They wanted to bring their religion closer to non-believers and help Muslims to understand their own faith.

Nevertheless, Christianity is the religion represented on the most on the internet. In this new medium, they see a new mission area. The Catholic Church took advantage of this, like the creation of a Vatican Web site. But there are again negative opinions that bring the internet with danger in conjunction.

Campbell comes to the conclusion that the Internet can help to spread religions and religious rituals, it could also cause the problem, that there is a distinction between online and offline traditions. 

Campbell H. 2010. When Religion Meets New Media. London & New York: Routledge. Ebook. Ch. 1: Religious Communities and the Internet.
Picture 1:
Picture 2:

Dienstag, 9. April 2013

The Evolution of Religious Branding

Through the freedom to choose an own belief, religious markets have grown strongly in recent times. Churches have developed their own marketing strategies, such as Scientology and the United Methodist Church (UMC).
Previously, the Church served as a place for social contacts, this is now replaced by the workplace. Some churches react on these social changes by offering shorter and entertaining services. Through the new method of religious branding the Church is a reputable product by a combination of symbols, language and mythology. After that a return to the tradition will follow. 

Scientology, founded by Ron Hubbard, recorded a strong growth after 60 second advertising film, which presents different types of people in the 20s and 30s ages, also the music and the images matched together. The issue was that the lives of the most persons are not in order and this could only be done through Scientology. 

Also the UMC has developed an advertising film "Open heards. Open minds. Open doors ". They tried to adapt to the needs of the viewer. Because a lot of young people are looking for a meaning in their lives and would refer themselves as spiritual.

If you look closely at the two commercials, Scientology has the aims to sell Hubbard’s books and CDs. The UMC is more complex, they want to promote Christianity and not just the UMC. “Religious branding will continue to be an important marketing tool for faith institutions.” (337)

Mara Einstein, The Evolution of Religious Branding, Social Compass, 2011 58: 331-338